The main differences between Keno and a lottery


One of the most frequent questions that revolve around the game “Keno” is how similar or different is it to an ordinary lottery? They both involve buying tickets or cards, and they both include choosing numbers on those tickets, so are they that different?

While it’s true that there are some superficial similarities, there are some crucial differences that make them “apples and oranges” to use the well-worn aphorism. State lotteries sometimes offer Keno, but it isn’t the same as a lottery.

From common roots

Interestingly, the word “Keno” seems to have French or Latin origins (in French, for example, “quine” means “five winning numbers,” while in Latin a very similar word, “quini” means “five each”). But don’t be misled: most experts on the history of gambling games believe that it originated in ancient China. Legend holds that its invention by Cheung Leung spared an ancient city from meeting its ruin during a time of war, after whichthe game grew massively in popularity. Leung is thought to have used the game’s influence to raise fundsfor building the vast Great Wall of China (construction began on that colossal fortification in the 7th century BC).Playing games was more fun, Leung shrewdly thought, than raising taxes.

The very first recorded signs of lotteries were found in China, too. And interestingly, these records took the form of Keno slips dating back to the Han Dynasty (105-187 BC). It’s believed that Chinese immigrants to the US brought the game with them in the 19th century.

Different paths

But from common ancient roots, the paths of the two games parted.Keno possesses a range of unique characteristics that clearly distinguish it from a lottery. Differences begin with the Keno card itself. 

With a regular lottery ticket or card, you’ve got to pick six out of seven winning numbers to secure a win in most state lotteries. With Keno, players can choose up to 20 numbers from the available pool. And then each player can decide what kind of bet they wish to make as well as how much they want to place on it.Both the way a player marks spots on the card to select numbers and the number of spots chosen will have a direct effect on the scale of possible winnings.

Marking Keno cards and betting

If you’re considering having a go at Keno at the best NJ Online Casino, you could simply choose15-20 numbers on an individual ticket by marking them with a (digital) spot.You win when theselection of numbers you’ve made corresponds preciselywith the numbers drawn (this is known as a “straight” bet). But there are other selection options, too. You can, for example, mark (and bet on) groups of numbers instead of choosing individual ones – so-called “way” betting.

If you have chosen the “group” option at an online casino, you can then decide to place your wager on either half of the number-cluster you’ve selected, or even just the numbers along the edge of the card.Effectively, in Keno, you’re able to mix and match several number sets if you want.

But bear this in mind if you’re betting on groups: the more numbers you’ve selected on your ticket, the less likely it’ll be for you to hit all of them at the draw. You can scale down a little and opt for smaller winnings by choosing fewer numbers.

You can use the same numbers repeatedly if you wish to, but many online casinos also give you the option of letting a computer choose your numbers randomly. Here are the latest Florida Lotto results numbers.

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